The Bombshell Formula- Freedom and the Beach with Ximy Gonzalez

The Bombshell Formula, Freedom and the Beach with Ximy Gonzalez

posted in: BNHP Interviews, Podcast | 0

Let me start off by saying that Ximy brought her “A” game to this show.

She is very confident in all of the topics we discussed and certainly wears her health on her sleeve. It is wonderful to know that she is somebody who is truly passionate about building healthy communities, but also know that we must know the ins and outs of food politics to be able to stand up for our rights and keep what we put into our bodies as clean as possible. I am also always a fan of talking about the purpose and interconnectedness of the universe, so that is enjoyable for me to geek out on and love when it comes up on the show.

Give this one a listen and see if it inspires your inner Bombshell! It did for me.

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