Return of the Barenaked Health Podcast with Nick Horowski

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Outdoors, holistic health, sunshine


Welcome back to the Barenaked Health Podcast. It has been a bit of a hiatus, but I am back to share with you all topics holistic health and freedom. Today I take a walk in the woods and water to spend some time in nature and share my thoughts on light, water, food, exercise, supplements just to name a few of the topics. I hope that you enjoy this listen. My plan is to start to share more with you this way. I try to get out in the woods a few times a week and some of them I plan to couple with a recording so that I can still share this with you as it brings me great joy to share some love with my listeners.

Here’s a quick rundown on some of the topics:


-Get more of it

-Build up to it slowly if you are not ready for it, just like you would anything else

-Avoid it at the end of the day


-Spend time in natural bodies

-Drink plenty of it with Celtic Sea Salt or add some electrolytes like Paleo Valley


-Eat real, whole foods

-Eat early in the day and less as the day goes on


-Move a lot, most of the times easy to moderate and sometimes bust your butt

-Do as many different types of movement as you can and enjoy


-Find what works and works for you

-Stick to your budget and use bang for your buck supplements

-Anything from Bioptimizers, whole food multivitamin, lots of magnesium, zinc, molecular hydrogen, shilajit, creatine and many more can really help you out.

Please enjoy the return of the show and as always please share with friends for those interested in holistic health and freedom. Any feedback is always welcome as I did ask for your help during the show as well.