Travel and Don’t Waiting for a Health Crisis with Nick Horowski

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Travel and Don’t Waiting for a Health Crisis

Taking care of your health when traveling is of utmost importance. This post is not entirely everything I would do while traveling on an airplane, but is more a few observations while in the air and discussions of being out in nature and enjoying some great hikes. I also discuss the importance of taking care of your health now, no matter what. Don’t wait for a health crisis or until it is too late. Not that health is ever too late, but the sooner you begin to work on things, the better it will be in the long term. This still comes down to a few simple things. Get outside for some sunshine, fresh air and grounding. Drink plenty of good clean water. Eat a variety of whole foods, some raw, some cooked. Make sure to get quality sleep, consistently. Take a few supplements as needed. Move more! This can come in a variety of forms, but do some hard stuff, do some easy stuff, run, walk, bike, swim and lift some heavy things. Throw in a little hot and cold exposure with some deep breathing and keeping your mind strong and you will be greatly rewarded with wonderful health. Now all that being said if you are going through a health crisis or know somebody that is, make the change now. There are always things that you can do that are simple and a lot of times free. I’ll never forget Dr. Tom Cowan discussing that if he every came down with a serious illness that he would probable do some serious grounding. And by serious grounding he talked about digging a whole in the ground and really getting his whole body as grounded as possible. I think he even meant covering himself with the dirt a bit and leaving his head out. Kind of like when you are a kid (or even a big kid, sometimes called adults) when we bury ourselves in the sand when at the beach (just not too close to the water as this can actually cause drownings if waves come in). Either way, we could all use a little more connection with Mother Earth.